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Warren's March 14th Seance 2009
Venue: The Bristol Spirit Lodge Circle

March 14th 2009. A private Séance with Warren Caylor.

Sitters and witnesses: Belinda. Pat. Chris. Jon. Margaret. Jack. Michelle. Dave.

NOTE: This séance was recorded using an Olympus VN-2100PC digital voice recorder. This equipment is customarily used regularly within the Lodge. The device was not touched by the Medium, or anyone aside from myself, either before, during or after the séance.

This venue was purpose built by myself for the purpose of experimentation. Nothing is allowed inside the building that might defer from the purpose intended. The Lodge and those who sit regularly within it are dedicated to the enablement of communication with those within the spirit world, should such a possibility exist. In this regard evidential phenomena has been witnessed by many here since the Bristol Spirit Lodge Circle was founded.

I will begin this report by saying that Warren had never been inside the Lodge building until this evening. Also, prior to Warren’s arrival it was decided that he would bring only his CD into the lodge building (this CD holds the background music of his preference). Warren had no prior knowledge of the type of restraints we would use, and in fact nor had I. Jack (a new sitter) had his own ideas. He chose to use two cable ties, threaded through the chair arms and fastened tightly to the medium’s wrists. He chose to use thick black cotton rope to create elaborate ties, loops and knots to secure medium’s legs to the chair legs. Finally, a gag was tied into Warren’s mouth.

The séance began with a prayer. Soon after this Rachel offered her welcome. She exchanged some banter with Jack, and shortly after this the rope (binding the medium's legs to the chair) was dematerialised and landed on Jacks lap (he was seated in corner opposite the cabinet)!

There was a short, but special, demonstration of trumpet play, when the trumpet patted sitters and tapped on the ceiling and floor, moving at high speed around the room. Tom then came forward for a chat. He wrote two messages on the paper provided (The first to Christine thank you for having us xxx and I like the cake xx). These were folded and sent these across the room towards Chris and Jack.

After a short pause Tom returned to play with some toys and whistles that had been placed in the middle of the room. Several of these seemed to be being played at the same time. The trumpet was spinning in the air at the same time as the slide whistle was being played….more than two hands would be needed to demonstrate this, in more familiar circumstances:

Yellow Feather next came through, and he too welcomed sitters to the séance. Much to our amusement, he flirted with Michelle before sharing general chat with us all.

Shortly after Yellow Feather left an unrecognised communicator came through. He spoke to us about the development of the Spirits work, saying that it wouldn’t be long before full materialisation would be able to be photographed within the light:

One of Tom's pleasures, shared with everyone is his musical ability:

Tom returned to playing with the toys, pushing things around, and touching sitters as he played. He touched my hand with the small soft fingers of a child. As sitters chatted happily together a short light show began. Brilliant lights flashed, several sufficiently bright to clearly illuminate the medium seated within the cabinet, behind the closed curtains. These lights flashed in different places and flashed different shapes, vertical, horizontal, circular:

When one of the lights was stable and showing the medium’s shape behind the curtain Jon was asked to stand up and move towards the light. *He will best describe this event himself within his séance report:

After Jon’s experiment the music was selected by the spirit team and the light show started in full force, flashing in time with the rapid music. Sitters sang and spirit played…it was amazing to be together and playing in this way!
Our next communicator was Luther. A solidly formed large figure, he patted Michelle’s hair, squeezed her knees and generally sent her into hysterics! He then asked for the red light to be turned on, so that Jack could move forward. When the light was switched on we all saw that the medium’s chair was outside of the cabinet, and the medium was not there! Jack was asked to check that the double cable ties he had tied around the medium’s arms were still intact. This was proven to be the case. Jack was also asked to sit in the chair! Luther then touched Jacks head!
*Scroll down to read Jack's seance report.

An inexperienced communicator next came through, speaking through the trumpet, before this dropped to the ground:

Albert was the next communicator, he brightly chatted with everyone, before supporting a messenger for Jon:

This communication was followed by another communicator, who gave a special personal message for Michelle. Tom sweetly came forward shortly afterwards to comfort her.

A further communicator attempted to speak with Christine, but his communication was unclear.

Rachel has a few words to say about the harmonious atmosphere within the building and sent as a kiss!

As the séance drew to a close Rachel and the spirit team were heard to be moving things within the room:
When the lights were switched on afterwards we found that a large coil of rope (provided amongst the toy collection) was wrapped around the medium and linked to the cabinet curtain track. Warren’s jumper had been removed and was laying beside his chair, which had by then been placed back within the cabinet. Jack was again invited to check the cable ties, before himself cutting them through in order to release Warren from the chair.

Having myself sat in séance with Warren on many occasions I nevertheless continue to be amazed by the variety of phenomena created by his Spirit Team. Tonight was no exception.

By the very nature of its limited appeal Physical mediumship attracts sceptical review, most often from those who have never experienced such a séance for themselves.

It is a fact that, aside from the non-regulated ‘open door’ of the Ouija board and the like, this form of mediumship requires dedicated sitting for the development of the Medium and the Spirit team in order for them to work together for a specific purpose. Along the way, and throughout development, many set backs and irregularities occur in the presentation of the evidential phenomena.

In our own home Circle we know that week after week the Spirit teams, sitters and Medium’s work together. Some weeks there is no doubt whatsoever that the evidential presentations we witness are ‘out of this world’ and cannot be replicated by ‘us’ in familiar physical circumstances.

At other times we sit and wonders why we bother, as little is displayed that we could not recreate in our world. At such times we remain dedicated to the work of those within the spirit world who wish to communicate with us, for we know that our world needs to recognise that those who have lived before us and continue to live beyond this physical existence have much to teach us. Who are we to complain when they don’t ‘get it right’ every time?

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