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April 26th 2008. Warren Caylor.
This evening Chris, Alan, Dave, Pam, Paul, Jon and Michelle attended a seance held at Warren's home. It was good to see him, Julie and Lisa again. We had all sat in seance with Warren on previous occasions, aside from Michelle. After settling in and chatting for awhile two other sitters arrived and we all took our places within the dedicated seance room. This room is about 12'x14' with a cabinet in one corner and had chairs around the walls.

The actual phenomena within the seance room began immediately with tapping on the walls and other sounds indicative of spirit presence. Activity increased and continued throughout the two and a half hours duration.

To be honest there was so much happening that it is now difficult to write a report on specific phenomena witnessed. Rachel, Tom, Luther, Albert and Yellow Feather are all regular communicators and their presence this evening was no exception. Other more recent communicators who came forward included Jeremiah, and also Bob Marley. Yellow Feather was seen to materialise in white lighting conditions (these conditions dictated by the spirit team). Someone who introduced herself as Elizabeth came through to communicate specifically with on the sitters, we understood this to be a relative of his.

Tom played with the various musical instruments provided and gave a demonstration of trumpet spinning. Yellow Feather showed his hand upon the luminous plaque, which was then felt by Michelle. Michelle, as a newcomer, was singled out by most of the spirit team to become a focus for their amusement. She had a shoe removed, her head patted and her glasses taken off and then returned, all amidst much joking and laughter. Other sitters had shoes removed, heads patted or stroked, knees tapped by the trumpet and so forth.

Interestingly, a spirit child known as Tabitha, who works with Julie Day also made her presence known to those seated nearby. Tabitha tore wallpaper and threw this at sitters in that area.

At close of seance Warren was to be seen to be still restrained by cable ties within the cabinet.
None of these ties were broken and Dave had held the cable cutters throughout.

Once again the evidential phenomena was clearly witnessed by all those present.

We would all like to thank Warren and Julie for welcoming us into their home, and for being openly inviting towards our unrestricted examination of the seance room and contents.

Once again I wonder, as I have many times before, why Warren's abilities are not welcomed with open arms. Physical evidence of continuing consciousness after physical death is rarely demonstrated nowadays. Gone are the days of Victorian leisure. With so many people now needing paid employment, there is little time left to dedicate to sitting for the development that is required. Those who, like Warren, are able to demonstrate real ability, should surely be supported to continue. We seem to delight in the wonders of the birth process but turn away, perhaps due to fear, from the equal wonders of the 'passing from this life' process. Surely something that affects us all so profoundly deserves enquiry, particularly if through such enquiry the fear of the inevitable can be removed.

It is a fact that the established laws of physics need to be reviewed. There is much that is not explained through the current mathmatical law. Subatomic particle physics may eventually enable the tools with which we can formally recognise the wonders of the afterlife. Until them, presumably, those with abilities like Warren's are destined to struggle for accreditation.

Chris DiNucc

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